The Watershed: News from the Perkiomen: I was asked by Ryan Betz, Executive Director of the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy, to create a custom piece for the cover of the first issue of The Watershed: News from the Perkiomen, the Conservancy's new magazine. I also wrote and article about gyotaku and had a second piece featured inside the magazine. For more information about the PWC, see
American Angler: An little article about me and one of my recent rubbings (a brown trout) appeared in the March/April 2010 issue of American Angler magazine, page 16. Article reprinted with permission from American Angler.
Arizona Wildlife Views: I was commissioned to create a vertical piece with multiple black crappie for the cover of Arizona Wildlife Views. The piece was custom since they needed room at the top to include the magazine title. I created three separate pieces for them and they picked the one that fit their needs. Click on the thumbnail on the right to see a better image.
Field and Stream: I was interviewed for an article in the July 2007 Field and Stream. The author, Dave Hartung, wrote a 'how to' article about fish printing after I had given him some instruction. A picture with two of my original gyotaku appears with the article. Article reprinted with permission from Field and Stream.

Media Coverage for Michael Reimer, That Fish Guy
How It's Made: In August of 2016, a film crew from the TV show "How It's Made" came to my house to film a segment. They were here for over 8 hours and said the episode would air in 9-12 months. Not sure why it took so long, but it finally aired in July of 2019 and is now available for free online. Click to watch